En dicha resolución se designa al 9 de octubre 2010, como "Día Nacional del Ajedrez" para aumentar la conciencia y animar a los estudiantes y adultos a participar en un juego conocido para mejorar el pensamiento crítico y habilidades para resolver problemas. Esta resolución fue sometida por el Senador de West Virgina JD Rockefeller Adjunto los detalles de la resolución.
El hijo del Senador John es un activista del ajedrez y organizador de torneos en los Estados Unidos y es el nuevo coordinador de ajedrez escolar de la Asociación de Ajedrez de Maryland.
La Federación de Ajedrez de los Estados Unidos (USCF) ha preparado una serie de eventos para celebrar este día entre ellos el de mayor envergadura lo es el Continetal Class Championship 2010 que se esta celebrando en el Hotel Hyaatt Regency - Crystal City en la ciudad de Arlington, Virginia dede el 7 de octubre al 11 de octubre del 2010 el evento cuenta con premios estimados en US $100,000. En el torneo esta participando el Dr. Leonardo Campiz y el GM Alonzo Zapata ambos ex-capitanes de los Equipos Nacionales de Ajedrez de Puerto Rico. Pueden seguir los detalles de este evento en el siguiente enlace:
Abajo pueden leer el texto en ingles de la resolución:
Text of S. Res. 672: A resolution designating October 9, 2010, as "National Chess Day" to enhance awareness and...
Sep 29, 2010 - Agreed to Senate. This is the latest version of the bill currently available on GovTrack.
2d Session
S. RES. 672
Designating October 9, 2010, as ‘National Chess Day’ to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
September 29, 2010
Mr. ROCKEFELLER (for himself and Mrs. HUTCHISON) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to
Designating October 9, 2010, as ‘National Chess Day’ to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Whereas it is estimated that chess is played by 39,000,000 people in the United States;
Whereas there are over 75,000 members of the United States Chess Federation (referred to in this preamble as the ‘Federation’), and unknown numbers of additional people in the United States who play the game without joining an official organization;
Whereas approximately half of the members of the Federation are scholastic members, and many of the scholastic members join by the age of 10;
Whereas the Federation is very supportive of the scholastic programs and sponsors a Certified Chess Coach program that provides the coaches involved in the scholastic programs training and ensures schools and students can have confidence the program;
Whereas many studies have linked chess programs to the improvement of student scores in reading and math, as well as improved self-esteem, and the Federation offers a school curriculum to educators to help incorporate chess into the school curriculum;
Whereas chess is a powerful cognitive learning tool that can be used to successfully enhance reading and math concepts; and
Whereas chess engages students of all learning styles and strengths and promotes problem-solving and higher-level thinking skills: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate--
(1) designates October 9, 2010, as ‘National Chess Day’; and
(2) encourages the people of the United States to observe ‘National Chess Day’ with appropriate programs and activities.
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