Link: 7, 2010
Round 1 of the Continental Class Begins. Photo Michael Atkins The Continental Class Championships run from October 7-11 in Arlington, Virginia. The first round match-up pictured above saw GM Georgi Kachieshvili facing off against Justus Williams, who recently broke the record for the youngest African-American master ever. Many other strong players entered including GMs Aleksandr Lenderman, Alexander Ivanov, Aleksander Stripunsky, Alexander Shabalov, Eugene Perelshteyn and Larry Kaufman. Look for details on the official website and see live games on
The tournament coincides with National Chess Day on October 9th. GM and former World Senior Champ Kaufman will cover the tournament for CLO's National Chess Day round-up. If you have stories to share this weekend, be sure to send them to CLO editor Jennifer Shahade at
Se encuentran jugando en este torneo el Dr. Leonardo Campiz y el GM Alonso Zapata los cuales el primero perdio su primer encuentro y el segundo entabloe en su primer encuentro adjunto las partidas de los mismos:
Partida del Dr. Leonardo Campiz (2070 vs FM Darwing Yang (2402)
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Partida de GM Alonso Zapata (2488) vs Kenneth Holroyd (2120)
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